Thank you for the reply Cofty.
Cofty : (A) "We could but would it not be easier just to dispense with the word God?
The Rebel: (A) " We could but doesn't that then avoid answering the question?
Cofty: ( A) you would have to say a lot more to define " all persuasive wisdom" and " indestructible nature of reality and life"
"Both these phrases seem to luck substance "
The Rebel ( A) I would define " all persuasive wisdom" as wisdom that cannot exist without facts. Now to my understanding a fact is something that exists or has happened, so we are no further forward, because if God exists that is a fact, even if it can't be proven.
Personally I won't deny the existence of God, because this debate has been going on for centuries without proof either way, instead I would rather focus my attention on myself, and to understand how I can make a positive impact on my neighborhood.
The Rebel